Yicheng Hu

Robotics, Medical Imaging and Deep Learning

"The best or nothing"


About me

I am an incoming Computer Science Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University. I will be working with Prof. Jeffery H. Siewerdsen on topics of Medical Imaging and Deep Learning. 


M.S. in Robotics, Johns Hopkins University.
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle.

Research Projects

Generalization of Deep Neural Networks

Comparing Sim2Real performance for multi-task learning in X-ray Imaging.

Tool Segmentation in Robotic Surgery Videos

Explored on several deep learning models for tool segmentation task.

Non-invasive Biofeedback Home System

Helped children patients for Urinary Incontinence treatment. 

Smell Robot

Designed a bio-inspired robot for odor localization.